Preise & Buchungen

Nursery |
99 € pro Quartal|
[fuer max. 1h / Samstags]

Minis |
149 € pro Quartal
[ fuer 1.5h / Samstags]

Kids | Teens
195 € pro Quartal

Hochbegabte Kinder
195 € pro Quartal

Geschwisterkinder erhalten einen Rabatt von 30€ pro Quartal
Code: LSO_2024
Nach Abschluss von vier Terms erhält Ihr Kind ein LSO-Zertifikat.

Gelegentlich kann es vorkommen, dass Kurse ausgebucht sind und wir Sie bitten, Ihre Kinder auf unserer Warteliste einzutragen.
Wir benachrichtigen Sie, sobald ein Platz für Ihre Kinder frei wird.

What people are saying

“What a difference after just 1.5 terms! My son has become much more confident in applying his English skills,
and enjoys much better marks at school now. He is looking forward to each Saturday morning class.”

— Céline, mother of a 17-year-old, Luxembourg

“Thank you Langauage Society, Oxford! My daughter zooms herself each Saturday morning
to Oxford from Shanghai, and enjoys every single class so much.”

— Zhou, mother of a 7-year-old, Shanghai

“Each Saturday, I sit with my little son in front of my laptop as we zoom him directly to Oxford. He even starts to sing English songs while playing around house. He just loves it! He’s even told his grandparents that he now has a friend in Switzerland and one in France.”

— Jan, father of a 4-year-old, Germany